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Fergal Kilroy Fergal Kilroy

Why Founding TransformBase is Vital for the Tech World

Enter TransformBase, a ground-breaking initiative set to redefine how businesses engage with emerging technologies. Founded by visionary tech leaders Eric Van der Kleij and Gokce Gizer Clover, TransformBase aims to bridge the knowledge and implementation gap that currently exists in the tech world.

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Press Release, Article Chris Pinto Press Release, Article Chris Pinto

Article on Barron’s: Most Bitcoin Is Made in China. Competitors Are Chipping Away.

“Bought any Bitcoin lately? Chances are it was made in China. That could be a problem for the burgeoning digital currency—and an opportunity for ambitious rival “miners” in the U.S. and elsewhere… A peek under Bitcoin’s hood might cool markets’ ardor a bit, says Daniel Doll-Steinberg, co-founder of Frontier Technology venture capitalist EdenBase. “

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