EdenBase Active Innovation Fund and Hub

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XR LAB Launch - Community and Ecosystem Panel

London ▪︎ 6th July 2022

We had a great time at the XR LAB launch with Gokce Gizer speaking on the panel on community and ecosystems.

Pictured left to right: Henry Cook (Marketing & Data Analysis), Gokce Gizer (Founding Team), Daniel Doll-Steinberg (Co-Founder), Katya Alban (Marketing Intern) and Nikki Doll-Steinberg (Neuroscience and Business Development)

A huge thank you to MI-GSO | PCUBED for hosting this incredible event and allowing our team to discuss the future sustainable innovation.

MI GSO PCUBED SmartStage® Showcase

The event started with an introduction by Lauren Quigley who introduced MI GCSO’s immersive video environment technology called SmartStage®, which allows companies to take remote work and meetings to the next level. The immersive video environment replaces the traditional green screen element of a virtual studio and allows the presenters and audience to see and interact with the content around them.

With their incredibly advanced technology, that included an LED screen, smart cameras, smart TVs around the spectators and sound orientated speakers, the XR LAB took us from an elegant office setting to a relaxing beach environment where the rest of the meeting took place. With hologram objects and even people being projected on the smart screens.

Panel: Leveraging Community & Ecosystem to Drive Sustainable Innovation

“Community & ecosystem for innovation are complex systems that are interconnected, self-organising, and evolutionary.”

- Gokce Gizer, 2022

Building a community and ecosystem is all about being open, collaborative, and emergent. It was great to hear Tim Harrison talk about Cardano Project Catalyst which is based on these principles.

We appreciate Lauren and the MI-GSO | PCUBED team for bringing all of us together as they build their community and ecosystem to drive sustainable innovation.

We at EdenBase believe in creating and guiding our community to give all stakeholders the opportunity and platform to collaborate on shared values. That is why we are so excited to develop a strong foundation so we can offer the capital (financial, intellectual, human, cultural, physical, network and infrastructure) enabling our community to thrive.

Key ingredients to ensure success and scalability of a community:

  • Lead by the entrepreneurs/innovators

  • A long term view because behavioural and cultural change takes time

  • Inclusivity (in terms of diversity, background and experience), with everyone having a growth mindset to share insights

  • Continuous & meaningful engagement

We value responsible supergrowth, constantly reminding everybody in our community of their responsibility for the impact they have through their product, decisions, investments. We believe that all pillars of sustainability (social, economic, environmental) should be at the core of all our decisions. For that, a good ecosystem with balanced representation and creative thinkers is key to ensure success and scalability.

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