Virtual Base Camp Week Recap - Part One

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We just wrapped up our Virtual Base Camp Week (22-26 March), as part of the first EdenBase investment competition, and we are very pleased to see the conversations, connections, and actions already coming out of it.

We are excited about this significant milestone for us, demonstrating our commitment to our philosophy to share, use and challenge knowledge to create sustainable supergrowth.

We define EdenBase as an ecosystem and hub, knowledge base, and fund created for the post-COVID world as it was created and launched during the global pandemic, and our every decision takes into account the challenges of the post-COVID world. In this case, we decided to run a virtual event instead of the physical Base Camp Week we had envisioned hosting at our hub in London. 

At our Base Camp Week, we wanted to create an environment for us to get acquainted with our Top 20 semifinalists, evaluate how we can support each of their businesses and start sharing knowledge and resources. We are delighted to have been able to create a virtual experience, with our Top 20 teams joining from around the world, including New York, Dubai, Istanbul and Berlin, making connections, sharing knowledge and getting inspired to take action. 

We hope you enjoy this first part of the recap of our Virtual Base Camp, a stimulating and inspiring week of new connections, deeper conversations, and carefully curated panel and content sessions on sustainability, tech transformation, supergrowth, and more. 

Welcome + Pitching Tips Session

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As we planned to announce the finalists of our competition at the end of the week, we scheduled interview sessions with the Top 20, giving them an opportunity to present their businesses and have a more in-depth conversation about if and how we might be able to support them to achieve sustainable supergrowth. To prepare our semifinalists for their interviews, we kicked off the week with a welcome session focused on pitching tips with Gokce Gizer (EdenBase competition lead & pitch coach) where she shared practical tips on building investor decks and presenting.

1-1 Sessions with EdenBase Team


Top 20 Semifinalists also had the opportunity to book 1-1 sessions with EdenBase cofounders, Daniel Doll-Steinberg and Eric Van der Kleij, and competition lead, Gokce Gizer. These sessions offered each team a chance to get feedback and guidance about their businesses, practice their pitches and learn more about how EdenBase might support them. We believe and invest in great founders and their teams and these sessions have given us a chance to have deeper conversations with the founders.

Top 20 Interviews with EdenBase Team & Competition Judges

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Each of our Top 20 companies attended a private interview session, presenting to our team and two or three members of the EdenBase competition expert panel of judges in each session. Across a range of industries and at different stages, each team got to pitch their business followed by Q&A and feedback from the panel. Our judges and team were very impressed with the quality of the Top 20 companies and the enthusiasm of their teams which made it almost impossible for us to select only a Top 10, so at the end of the week, we were delighted to be able to announce a Top 12. 

Stayed tuned as we continue this recap by taking a look at the panels and content sessions during our Virtual Base Camp Week.

Check out some of the sessions streamed live on the EdenBase YouTube Channel.


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Finalists of the First EdenBase Competition Announced