Why EdenBase is experimenting with open team meetings on Clubhouse?

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Clubhouse is one of the most original innovations in social media for quite some time. It is open format for voice only – no video or text - in rooms, like your very own interactive podcasts, live and immediate, and where you can even get involved. But it is also intended to be momentary, and not recorded, so that views can be aired as a conversation. It has the advantage of promoting real names and using voice, which brings the potential for a level of calmness that many other social media platforms do not have, and it has arrived at a time when ESG is becoming not just a nice to have but an underlying fundamental and approaching a necessity.


I co-created EdenBase with a holistic approach to enabling the next set of game changers. At our core, we invest a combination of capital, knowledge and technology, and also provide the environment and community to transform high potential startups to achieve responsible supergrowth. We achieve transformation by helping great founders and companies embed frontier technologies (such as AI, ML, 3D Printing, AR & VR, Blockchain, Quantum methods, 5G Comms (and soon 6G) Crypto & Tokenisation, Decentralisation, IOT, and Robotics & Automation). We achieve responsible supergrowth by going way beyond just backing teams and products that say and believe they will have an impact, but by constantly encouraging everyone in our community to target the SDG’s and ensuring they deliver on them through our ecosystem values and spirit.


This is vital because the impacts of the Cognitive Revolution are real, and they are starting now. The impacts of products and services with these technologies will be enormous. So it is urgent that policy makers, frontier technology builders, educators, and everyone who has an interest or a view involves themselves in this future now, to ensure a better, safer and more fulfilling future for us all.


To accelerate this, at EdenBase we have decided to experiment with Clubhouse to do something that might be the first of its kind anywhere. We are holding the non-confidential parts of our internal weekly internal team meetings on Clubhouse, open to anyone, every week. We believe this will help support our message and build our ecosystem and community in a more open and transparent way; engaging with those who want to listen and provide input.  We welcome contributors and hope it will encourage a vibrant conversation. In a much more democratised way. This week, for instance, we focussed on helping our ESG  model, both operationally and as a key investment focus areas.


We yearn to get back to our office, once again be a physical community and return to normality. People are social; ideas, creativity and innovation come from being together and encouraging diversity; and the inexperienced learn from the experienced better when they work together and collaborate. However until that time we will trial our Open Clubhouse team meetings to share knowledge; orchestrate serendipity; help others grow; and try to inspire our community to be transparent and engaged.  We also hope that Clubhouse, and other online media, allow us to start to create a seamless and effective hybrid ecosystem both in a location and virtually giving EdenBase and our community the best of both worlds. Throughout the current restrictions, and beyond them.


Most importantly we want our community to be accessible as we all have a part to play, and a voice to be heard in the Cognitive Revolution. We have already seen the danger of allowing a group of well-intentioned, and now powerful, college kids build without oversight the data harvesting social media platforms we have today. Whilst these platforms have brought incredible benefits to the world they have also caused significant damage for so many. And we cannot put that genie back in the bottle. The more powerful and “smarter” these technologies become, and the further they advance, the more problematic rectifying them will become. On the bright side this has helped direct our investing thesis, focussing on sustainable supergrowth, the ethical custodianship and constant challenging of frontier technologies. 


So we hope this small step of open Clubhouse team meetings will be part of a giant leap that allows us to bring transparency to what we, at least, are doing. And pro-actively reach out to help us deliver frontier technologies that work for us all.


Please join us in our Clubhouse experiment for our journey: Together we can build a community and create the future. 


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